5:45 PM: pizza for adults (upstairs gym)
Worship on Wednesdays
"Developing a Passion for Prayer" with Pastor George Hall.
Esther (for women only)
Rm 4201
10-session video series on the book of Esther, led by Kelly Hall.
Books $25 each. (Please note: this class begins early at 6 PM.)
Men's Group
Rm 4203
In-depth study on the book of Hebrews, led by Isaac Carroll.
"End Abortion" Training Group (co-ed)
Rm 4104
Training to prepare for onsite evangelism at a Planned Parenthood facility, and delivering a Biblical defense for the abolition of abortion. Led by Joe Barbarossa.
The Book of Romans (part 1)
Rm 4206
11-session video series by J.D. Greear, led by Pastor Jeremy Lankford.